My activity folders
Each folder :
depending on the child’s level and age.
one or two different themes.
My materials :
- children’s books,
- paintings by painters
- cooking recipes.
Its composition :
- discovering the theme with questions, exercises or games ,
- Focus on Grammar,
- sound dance and phonetics are very important.
- Culture and Nous = manual activity.
- Whenever possible, I create an audio book.
here’s the link to watch and listen to it
The complete file can be downloaded in PDF format.
It’s important to print it out in its entirety, so that the child can work directly on it. And above all, be a little away from screens.
Download 2 times only but there isn’t to deadline.
Every children’s album I work on has been bought by me, because I want to respect the work of authors and publishers .

"La souffle de l'été"

This is a 50-page folder for children aged 8/10 and intermediate level, A2
There are :
summer vocabulary
4 short stories to read
to listen to on my audio book
exercises and grammar
a “Sandrine’s sardines” memory game

" La rentrée des classes "
It’s back-to-school time, kids!
Let’s review our school vocabulary together!
In this folder you’ll find :
- picture cards
- grammar
- games
- 2 audio books to listen to
- a timetable to create
This is a 40-page folder for children aged 6/10 and beginner level, A1

La galette à l'escampette

This is a folder I’ve created for children aged 6/8, at A2/B1 level or in 1/2/3 primary school.
In this folder you’ll find activities for
- oral and written comprehension,
- crossword puzzles,
- a “7 errors” game,
- a crown of kings or queens to make,
- a frangipane galette des rois recipe to make with the whole family
- and the discovery of the painter Andy Warhol and a “Pop-Art” painting to create.
- You’ll have access to my audiobook to listen to the story of “la galette à l’escampette” written by Geoffroy de Pennart.
Do the exercises and watch a video to understand the feast of Epiphany and the tradition of the galette des rois and its crown.
I invite you to visit my store by clicking on the button below.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send me an e-mail:

Zouzou et les surprises de l'hiver

This is a complete winter-themed folder for children aged 8/10 at A2/B1 or 7/8 level primary school.
In this folder you will find :
- a glossary of clothing, mountain animals and winter activities
- Grammar with condoms is and are, the verbs to put on a garment and to wear a garment, and prepositions of place,
- Culture and us on the monotype print technique
- Science the different classes of animal diet (omnivore, herbivore, carnivore), what is a food chain?
- 2 games to print out and play with friends or family: Winter Lotto and Winter Goose.
- Manual activity: make a bird feeder.
You will have access to my audio book that I have recorded and an oral comprehension on the book.
I invite you to visit my store, by clicking on the button below.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send me an e-mail. :

C'est bientôt l'été et les vacances !!!

This is a 28-page folder for children aged 6/8 and A1/beginner level.
There are :
- exercises,
- games,
- colouring,

Le Cri de MUNCH

In this twenty-page dossier on the front, I wanted to work on the vocabulary of emotions in this Halloween period.
In the summary, we will find :
- printable picture cards,
- vocabulary on emotions,
- practice exercises,
- a goose game to make
- a painting to create.
I’ve created this folder for children aged 8/10, at A2 level or in 3/4/5 grades.
Monsieur Bout-de-Bois Dossier d'activités sur Noël
I have create this folder for children 8/11 years old, level A2, début B1 or 3/4/5 grades.
It’s complete folder with :
- manual activities,
- story,
- grammar,
- exercises
- games.
There are about 60+ single-sided pages.
You have unlimited access to my audiobook on Christmas, so you can listen to l’Histoire de Monsieur Bout-de-bois + . Access to my books on phonetics and grammar.
He can work on negation, the present conditional and the [WA] sound.

Palmier de Noël Dossier d'activités dur Noël

It’s a folder that I have created for children 6/8 years old.
It’s a complete folder with :
- manual activities
- games,
- grammar’ notion ,
- the sound [è]
In this folder, children can create their own letter to Santa !!!! As well as Christmas decorations.
You have unlimited access to my Christmas audiobook, so you can listen to the Story of Palmino, the Christmas Palm Tree. This story is perfect for working on the theme of Christmas, but also on emotions.
Access to my books on phonetics and grammar.
Il y a environ 60 pages recto et +

L'Automne et Hallowenn

This complete folder is divided into two parts:
- L’automne et je travaille sur un livre : “Dix feuilles volantes” d’Anne MÖLLER
- Halloween je travaille sur un texte que j’ai crée et qui s’appelle : ” La soupe à la citrouille”.
This 80-page, single-sided folder is designed for children aged 6/8 with a beginner’s level of A1 or 2/3 grades. You’ll find text comprehension, games and activities, as well as grammar and vocabulary. In grammar, we’ll be working on definite and indefinite articles, spatial prepositions and the [U] sound.
As an activity, I suggest you create a painting about autumn.
I will send the link to listen to the Audi-books.
Le Printemps et Pâques

In this folder, you’ll find two materials: a first book called “C’est toi le printemps?” and a second called “Picotine et la chasse aux oeufs” (Picotine and the egg hunt).
This 50-page, single-sided folder is aimed at children aged 6/8 with an A1 level in French as a foreign language, or children in 2/3 primary school.
Contents: springtime vocabulary, grammar: the verbs DO, LIKE, prepositions of place, phonetic exercises and crafts.
I invite you to visit my store to buy and download this folder.